Make sure you get your body in check and deal with pain at the very beginning. Once your body gets to a point where it is too late to change you can get in real trouble. People often suffer from physical pain but do not get the treatment they need on time. A lot of times people just do not go to visit a doctor or a specialist because they think that their pain is nothing serious and it will subside eventually. While in some cases that might be true more often than not the exact opposite is the case and they keep living their daily lives with the pain even though the treatment would be so easily to get.
Often as your body ages people tend to suffer from slouching and having to deal with a bad posture that leads to back pain. They walk around instead of getting their bodies checked and treated. The reasons are often that they do not want to go to a doctor. They explain that they do not want to wait for appointments or that the way to see a doctor is simply too far away. Not realizing that their lives could be at stake. Make sure that you see somebody if you feel pain for a longer period of time.