There are three ways to remove peanut butter from the roof of your mouth and many creative ways to get Chinese herbs into kids. For powdered herbal concentrates, either loose or encapsulated, we offer six methods below.
A dose is usually two capsules, but for a kid it could be just one cap. When using the powder, a dose is usually 1/4 teaspoon, but it could be 1/8 teaspoon for a little person. You will want to adjust the dose for the age and size of the child. Always consider the stage of illness. Early in the disease process you will need less herbs. Start slowly and increase the frequency of the dose rather than the amount of herbs. If you are getting the desired results, you are on the right track. Use your intuition, check with your health care provider, and/or contact OHCO with your questions or comments. Visit for more children cold snap medicine.