Many cancer patients struggle with the decision to take radiation or chemotherapy, in large part because the treatments are almost as bad as the disease in terms of quality of life. Luckily, the cannabis plant comes loaded with THC, CBD, and a host of other cannabinoids (there are hundreds), as well as terpenoids and flavonoids, all of which have medical properties of their own. # Cannabis can help fight cancer
Many cancer patients struggle with the decision to take radiation or chemotherapy, in large part because the treatments are almost as bad as the disease in terms of quality of life. Luckily, the cannabis plant comes loaded with THC, CBD, and a host of other cannabinoids (there are hundreds), as well as terpenoids and flavonoids, all of which have medical properties of their own. These elements work together harmoniously to give natural cannabis its unique properties, while synthetic alternatives like Marinol only replicate one piece of the puzzle (THC).